John Setting up our new addition

Goodbye Dell 1545 – Hello Apple MacBook Pro

After a long hard think and many hours of stressing John out fixing my tired old dell laptop, I decided to upgrade to an Apple MacBook Pro. John already uses an iMac and since switching to only using Macs a few years ago has found the reliability to be wonderful. Before buying the iMac in October 2009 we both used windows desktops. Since then both desktops died, were repaired, died and so fourth.

This is stressful when you depend on your computer for your business. So after a long save & selling the dell laptop to put towards the cost we bought a new MacBook Pro. It took a while to transfer all my files over to it (in badge PSD’s & PDF’s alone I have over 10,000 files). I’m slowly getting used to all the changes & I’m loving being able to blog & work on the go. The battery lasts between 7 and 9 hours so far so I don’t need to carry my power cord. It’s also very strong & slips into a neoprene sleeve for carrying about in a backpack.

I Love it 🙂 Although John is now jealous as mine has a newer processor & 4 cores, not to mention a lot of ram.

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Goodbye Pink Dell


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John setting up our new addition


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Love at first sight <3


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The Packaging is so nice


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Testing its portability in the local cafe



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